Friday, September 03, 2004

OY! A story of mishigas in the Jewish section of town

The majority of this post will concern today, but I'm gonna start by jumping back to the early afternoon of yesterday. My new friend Sarah, who happens to be a friend of Alex Valentine (A-Val - why wasn't she at your party this summer?) and I decided to walk through the old Jewish section. Within minutes I hear a phrase I've become all too familiar with hearing around campus: "Excuse me, sir, are you Jewish?" Not being one to deny my heritage, I tell him yes. Next thing I know he's putting tefilin on me and we're doing a little "Shema" and "V'Ahavta" The Chasid proceded to ask if I was from America. I said yes and his next guess is Brooklyn. Once I told him that I was from New Jersey, he replied "Teaneck?"

Anyway, today I took an actual tour of the Jewish section. The tour guide was terrific, he is from the area and he was not only very knowledgable of local history and Judaism, but he told some classic Jewish jokes. (i.e. Why do Jews wear kippas? Because so many Rabbis are bald)
I made the mistake of revealing my knowledge of Judaism. He was discussing the history of Jews in Prague and mentioned a travelogue of sorts that cited a population of Jews in Prague. I recognized the book from a Jews of Muslim Spain class I took last year and discussed it with him. Now he thinks I'm this macher and I have to prove myself by stating the date of the destruction of the Second Temple, translating Hebrew inscriptions, explaining the purpose of a Mikvah, etc. I think the height was when he asked if I knew how to chant Torah, I was a bit worried he would make me demonstrate. It worked out well though, he invited me to services so I just might see him again.
We saw some truly incredible temples, and I think I will definitely have to attend a few services at the Old New Synagogue (High holidays, at the least) Plus there were some cool Golem statues, one of which I must own.

Goyim - Its possible there are jokes you didn't get, or phrases you didn't understand in this post. Leave comments or e-mail me and I'll be happy to clarify


At September 3, 2004 at 8:58 AM, Blogger swithy said...

ben, u just gotta go to services at the spanish synagogue.... that is the most beautiful place i have ever prayed. the photocopied prayerbooks leave something to be desired, but nothing beats the atmosphere... plus peter, the guy who runs the prague jewish community, is my future husband.


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